The Subs – Subculture cd review

The Subs - Subculture
The names Koen Leroux, Wiebe Locuffier and Jeroen De Pessemier may not a ring a bell, but they are the trio behing The Subs.
While Koen & Wiebe started their DJ carreer at the Culture Club in Ghent (as Starski & Tonic), Papillon (Jeroen) plays in the electroband Foxylane. In 2006 they met and The Subs was born!
Now that they have finished their debut full album Subculture, a review on is the logical next step
2008 was clearly the breakthrough year, with their hit single ‘Kiss my Trance’ being played on national radio and in the clubs. Highlights also included their Pukkelpop performance, where people were invited on stage!
While Kiss my trance is clearly the most well known song on the album, that’s not the only great track on this 9-track punk-trance album. The album’s mood is intense and brooding as it contains both euphoric peaks and melancholy-melodic moments.
So what our top-picks from this album?
Music is the new religion reminds us of DHS 90ies classic “House of god”, but this 2008 version sounds dirtier and rocks more!
Next up are Papillon and My Punk, two banging floorfillers as you can see here !
Fuck that shit is another one of our favourites, a slow buildup, not too melodic but surely will make your feet moving.
The last track From dusk till dawn is more melodic and even a bit melancholic; a good track to listen to when you’re cruising with you car!
To finish up this review: Yes, you should buy this album (or at least our top-picks :-)). It contains a lot of great dancetracks with not many filler tracks.
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