Archive for July, 2002
Sylver went to Singapore and Malaysia to promoto their album Chances. They had an interview with MTV Asia while touring there. With an impeccable chemistry between them, the group has no qualms when asked about the possibility of being labeled as “euro trash” by the critics. Of course you can’t make music that everybody likes. […] (read more)
- July 30,2002
- sylver
Orion Too has entered German DJ charts with You and me. Take a look at Eastclubcharts and German DJ Playlist. (read more)
- July 30,2002
- orion too
Airwave vs Armin van Buuren
by wimAlthough the plan originally was to release My Lady Blue as the new Airwave single, this has been changed. Instead the new single will be his cooperation with Armin van Buuren under the name Airwave vs Rising Star. Their first release together will be called Sunspot and will be released on Bonzai Trance Progressive around […] (read more)
- July 27,2002
- airwave
Jessy: first solo single
by wimJessy (formerly the lead singer for the Mackenzie) will make here solo debut this week in Six Flags (Waver). For her first single, Jessy has worked together with RegiPenxten and Filip Vandueren. She has written the lyrics for this new single herself. The song will be released on vinyl this week and a video will […] (read more)
- July 23,2002
- jessy
Flesh & Bones: new look
by wimFlesh & Bones is changing its look completely. The current members of the group, Dave, Joost en Birgit will be replaced by Coca en Dominique. Dave, Joost and Birgit could no longer combine their everyday life with the busy schedule of Flesh & Bones. We have already received the first pics of Dominique. This week […] (read more)
- July 23,2002
- flesh & bones
P-Jay, producer behind the D-Devils is back with a new project in collaboration with Erik Hubo: Nephews in trance. Their debutsingle is called You Need Unity and it’s the Belgian Love Parade Theme 2002. A videoclip and an appearance in the Belgian Top of the Pops will come soon. (read more)
- July 20,2002
- nephews in trance
A new vinyl by Yves Deruyter will be released after the summer. Spiritual Feeling is the third single taken from his album 2001. On the vinyl there will be the Original mix and a new 2002 remix. (read more)
- July 19,2002
Dutch Dj Jean talked in his show on Radio 538 about Lightning Records in a very negative way… He stated that the company was on the verge of closing the books. This is completely untrue and based on nothing. The fans can be sure that Lightning Records is not even close to stopping. New releases […] (read more)
- July 19,2002
- lightning records
After the massive success all over the globe with Close Cover and numerous remixes for several other artists, Minimalistix is one of the hottest dance stories at the moment!! The album Elements will be released first in Belgium on the 22nd of August followed by other territories later on!! Minimalistix is signed all over the […] (read more)
- July 18,2002
- minimalistix
The new CD single My Time Has Come is going to be released on Thursday August 8th. It was already released on vinyl (currently no. 2 in the Belgian Dance Charts!) In Belgium My Time Has Come is supported by all danceradios and promotion will start beginning of next week! My Time Has Come is […] (read more)
- July 18,2002
- flesh & bones
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