Pole Folder – Zero Gold album release party at La Rocca
by wim
This saturday, the debut album Zero Gold of Pole Folder will be released. La Rocca will host the releaseparty where Pole Folder will play a ‘live set’ and will be joined by fellow Bedrock DJs Steve Gerrard, Moonface, CP and La Rocca resident Philip
It took Pole Folder almost 2 years to produce ‘Zero Gold’, a timeframe necessary to develop the complete idea of the concept and his musical translation of the ideas into an album. Benoit Franquet, the man behind Pole Folder, has strived to maintain a common theme behind the tracks on the album, in this case the fears and doubts which afflict the human condition which make the album tracks loungy and somewhat melancholic (but in the end still optimistic).
Our personal favourite track of the album is Fall in Violet, but be sure to check out the full album at your favourite record store or make a trip to La Rocca this weekend!
Zero Gold tracklisting:
- Abrasion
- Waterfalls of love
- Salvation on slavery sins
- Scared to lose
- Inner turmoil
- London
- Fall in Violet
- Morning crow
- Faith in me
- Before it all changes
- April 21,2005
- la rocca, party, pole folder
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