TOPselection 8 out now

by stea

TOPselection, the weekly radio show on Belgium’s biggest dance radio network TOPradio has just released the 8th volume of its popular compilation series. The CD, which contains 23 tracks in total, is the first compilation to feature the new Lasgo single Gone, next to the big hit Sky and Sand (Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner) and the track DanceVibes told you to look out for months ago: C’est beau la bourgeoisie (Discobitch). Next to these you will also fin John Dahlback feat. Basto! with Out There and again all-time classic Silence (Delirium) this time remixed by Niels van Gogh & Thomas Gold. With the TOPradio voucher you even get a discount of 5 EUR when you buy the compilation at FreeRecord Shop.

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